most tv sucks these days, but there are some shining examples of good writing, acting, camera work, etc... we call those Deadwood and Arrested Development. Family Guy sucks ass, though...
Because every HBO series has its own topic, so why shouldn't this nerd fest?
I'm starting episode 3. I like it so far & am interested to see where they take it. Some of the effects have looked a little cheap by GoT standards, but I guess that's to be expected. There is a motel sign shown briefly - "The Black Freighter".
I'm not sure if we're supposed to know, suspect or wonder if Jeremy Irons is Ozymandias or not, but I haven't seen it confirmed or refuted anyplace.
I’m dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It’s the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they’re going to do something incredibly … stupid.
When something does well, narrative integrity gets thrown in the garbage. HBO will want some kind of follow up season or series.
"No Tom Foolery today, Ron. I'm tired of looking at your dreadful, speckled mug." "Why do you hurt me in this way, Harry?" ”It’s a grid system motherfucker. Eleven up and one over, you simple bitch.”
This is free on Hulu right now. I don’t know for how long, so I’m gonna binge it this weekend.
I am unfortunately watching it knowing all the “twists” because CBR is a spoiler filled cesspool rife with clickbait article titles that gave away pretty much everything. But we will see if it still holds up.
"No Tom Foolery today, Ron. I'm tired of looking at your dreadful, speckled mug." "Why do you hurt me in this way, Harry?" ”It’s a grid system motherfucker. Eleven up and one over, you simple bitch.”