Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Post by Newsbot »


Black on black. ABC has decided to revive the color scheme once reserved for rock stars (Metallica, Spinal Tap) for its latest "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." promotional push.
The show is a television spinoff of last summer's blockbuster film "The Avengers." You can be forgiven for not instantly recognizing the logo as that of the governmental organization behind the supergroup's formation. ABC is probably aiming to stoke the enthusiasm of hard-core fans rather than casual viewers of the movie.

The billboards have gone up in Los Angeles less than three weeks before Comic-Con, where those hard-core fans may well do more damage to San Diego than the Chitauri (the alien invaders from the movie — again, no reason for you to remember that) did to New York.
"Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." will air Tuesday nights this fall on ABC. There's no debut date at this time, but the network is probably saving that tidbit and others for its panel at Comic-Con.

A tv spin off of a movie? Those always turn out well.

Watch the trailer for "S.H.I.E.L.D.":

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Re: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Post by Tom Foolery »

That looks like an ad for a car company. It looks like hood ornament along the lines of Benz or BMW.

They're pitting Agents of SHIELD up against NCIS? The most watched show on TV? Fuck you, ABC. Thanks for not giving the series a chance.
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Re: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Post by anarky »

We have a lot of double threads here tonight.
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Re: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Post by Tom Foolery »

Well that was...weak. It didn't suck, but it felt slapdash. Like they were trying too hard to make all the characters cool. Maybe my expectations were too high.

But if the show doesn't show marked improvement, I highly doubt it will last past season one. And having TEN Executive Producers is a big fucking albratross around its neck. Show with that many Cooks rarely last. (see: that dinosaur show from a couple years ago. Or that Piemaker show from way back when.) I'll keep watching it, but I know this is a cutthroat business.

On the plus side, Ron Glass' cameo was a nice surprise. Shepherd Book, Agent of SHIELD Y'all!!
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Re: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Post by anarky »

Dinosaur show?

Can't discuss SHIELD yet. Not for about 130 minutes.
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Re: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Post by Tom Foolery »

Yeah I forgot the name of it. The Spielberg show where the family travels back in time to the beginning of Earth because of overpopulation.

EDIT Terra Nova. I had to look it up. PS and semi unrelated but Stephen Lang would make the most kickass Slade Wilson (Lang was in Terra Nova).
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Re: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Post by Diabolical »

Very minimal disappointment because I think I expected too much and tried to keep that in mind.
But I do think they tried to squeeze too much story in the pilot. Maybe it should have been a 2 hour pilot instead.
Lots of great easter eggs, especially in the dialogue. With great power, a journey into mystery, etc.
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Re: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Post by anarky »

Was Michael Peterson the name of some Marvel character I've forgotten?

Anyone else thinking Centipede = HYDRA? Or AIM?
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Re: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Post by Tom Foolery »

See, shoehorning 'Journey into Mystery' and 'Great Power' into the dialogue reminded me of Smallville.

And walking thru their custom C-130 totally reminded me of Serenity.
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Re: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Post by Diabolical »

There is A Michael Peterson in the Marvel Universe. I don't think it is the same Michael Peterson. ... shield-is/
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Re: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Post by vynsane »

i enjoyed it thoroughly. just enough whedonesque banter and the characters are pretty cool.

obviously, for all of us here, the 800 lb gorilla in the room is Coulson and his apparent resurrection. Agent Hill's "he can never know" is just HANGING there waiting for us to talk about it.

i already posted this on facebook, but reiterating here...

basically i'm thinking either LMD, clone, or a version of Coulson taken from an alternate reality. in the case of an LMD or clone, is it the original Coulson's brain transplanted, or a new brain/computer imprinted with his memories? they've made reference to the LMDs in the Marvel MovieVerse already - i think it was The Avengers, in fact. when Tony Stark answers the videophone, he says "you've reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark..." so it's already in-universe.
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Re: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Post by Tom Foolery »

I immediately thought LMD. They've also done plenty of stories in the comics where LMDs didn't know they were LMDs and found out later they were copies. I'm sure they'll string it out for the first season, and there'll be some existential "drama" centered episodes down the road. "Oh lawdy, do's I have a soul?!" "Can I take orders from a fake droid robot person??" or whatever.

Just like we'll find out Melinda May's "mysterious" past and why she was riding a desk. Or Skye's "mysterious" past. It just annoyed me everything is so telegraphed and paint-by-numbers.
I guarantee One half of Fitz/Simmons is a mole.

If I was Marvel, I would throw in a few extra days of each movie shoot, to shoot a few random scenes of Thor, Cap, IM etc to randomly have scattered throughout the SHIELD series. They don't have to interact with the main cast at all, and they can be vague enough "emergencies" to use whenever.

I would also introduce at least one film character on the series eventually, and let that character "graduate" to the films. Like Carol Danvers or someone. Just to keep the continuity tight between the show and the films.

You know what the next Marvel should be? Power Pack. Kids would love it.
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Re: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Post by anarky »

If he's an LMD, he could still be the Vision and not know it yet. Just a thought.
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Re: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Post by Tom Foolery »

I feel like regulating Vision to the series is huge waste of a unique character for the films.
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Re: Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

Post by anarky »

I'm not the biggest fan of the idea, but it could be that Coulson is an android, and he'll discover this at the end of this season or sometime in the second. Then that movie comes out the next May, and it seems that the villain is a baddie who had a hand in creating Vision in the funnybooks. Coulson shows up, there's a mention that he's a duplicate when his presence has to be explained to the audience and the Avengers, and then Ultron does something that changes him into Vision.

Just saying, that could be a pretty cool way to tie the two together and still have a cohesive story for those only watching the movies.
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