How I realized I was over Star Wars completely

movies are cool. here is a place to talk about how cool they are. or maybe how much they suck, sometimes. like that fucking piece of shit 'mac and me'. worst fucking movie ever, a two-hour ad for fucking coca-cola.

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How I realized I was over Star Wars completely

Post by Rollo Tomassi »

The Clone Wars Trailer came out today.

I did not realize there was a Clone Wars Theatrical Movie being released.

While my boss was watching it, I glanced at it for about 5 seconds, then shrugged my shoulders and said...


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Re: How I realized I was over Star Wars completely

Post by Seven »

I'm with ya there my friend! I still do love the OT though.
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Re: How I realized I was over Star Wars completely

Post by Ran »

Theatrical trailer? I thought it was supposed to be a TV show.
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Re: How I realized I was over Star Wars completely

Post by Sleazer »

Clone Wars has me more excited than I've been since November 2005 when the DVD for ROTS came fuck the three of youse ! :lol:
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Re: How I realized I was over Star Wars completely

Post by Senor JabbaJohnL »

Clone Wars looks awesome. You can all suck my nuts.

But judging by the fact that two of you had no idea they were making this movie, and that it's coming out in three months, I'd say they'd better step up the marketing soon.
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Re: How I realized I was over Star Wars completely

Post by Seven »

Senor JabbaJohnL wrote:Clone Wars looks awesome. You can all suck my nuts.
Only if you wax.
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Re: How I realized I was over Star Wars completely

Post by Senor JabbaJohnL »

Seven wrote:
Senor JabbaJohnL wrote:Clone Wars looks awesome. You can all suck my nuts.
Only if you wax.
For you? Of course!

But not for the other fuckers. They can all choke on my hairy taint.
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Re: How I realized I was over Star Wars completely

Post by Ran »

My wife just pointed out that the trailer was on the main page of Yahoo, so we watched it. I'm going to agree with Rollo's assessment of "Meh."
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Re: How I realized I was over Star Wars completely

Post by RoIIo Tomassi »

Rogue II wrote:My wife just pointed out that the trailer was on the main page of Yahoo, so we watched it. I'm going to agree with Rollo's assessment of "Meh."

I was beyond even assessing the "meh-ness" of the trailer. I just don't care anymore.
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Re: How I realized I was over Star Wars completely

Post by anarky »

It looks bad. Really bad.

Among other things, Anakin's supposed to have a padawan who's somehow not around anymore in ROTS but it isn't addressed. She's eleven, but dresses like a whore.

Dooku and Anakin duel at least once, somewhat undermining the dialogue of ROTS.

Asajj Ventress marks her fifteenth return from the dead. Seriously, that bitch should join the X-Men.

And Anakin and his underaged whore padawan must go to Tatooine (major problems with Anakin returning there, wouldn't you think?) to rescue Jabba's son, who's never been mentioned before in any source, from the Confederation.

Does the word "clusterfuck" mean anything to you?
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Re: How I realized I was over Star Wars completely

Post by kidhuman »

Rogue II wrote:Theatrical trailer? I thought it was supposed to be a TV show.

It is a TV show, they are releasing the first 4 episodes for a movie, ten on TV three weeks ater
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Re: How I realized I was over Star Wars completely

Post by Double_G »

Can I join the "meh" club?

Nothing about that trailer impressed me. The thing that bothers me most is the video game-style animation. It's so distracting. And I still hate Anakin's padawan. I might still see it, but it's not guaranteed that I'll like it.

Does that mean I'm over "Star Wars"? No way. I'm still looking forward to "The Force Unleashed" video game.
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Re: How I realized I was over Star Wars completely

Post by Senor JabbaJohnL »

anarky wrote:Asajj Ventress marks her fifteenth return from the dead. Seriously, that bitch should join the X-Men.
She never once returned from the dead, as far as I know. She just kept getting beat, with her whereabouts unknown, but then returning.
anarky wrote:And Anakin and his underaged whore padawan must go to Tatooine (major problems with Anakin returning there, wouldn't you think?) to rescue Jabba's son, who's never been mentioned before in any source, from the Confederation.
Returning to his old haunts wasn't really a major problem, if I remember, until the book Dark Lord, in which he decided he shouldn't do it anymore because of emotional reasons (after he flipped shit at the Jedi Temple). And Jabba having a son, I don't think that's too big of a deal. I mean, they don't mention Jar Jar or Kit Fisto in the OT, but that doesn't mean they weren't around earlier.
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Re: How I realized I was over Star Wars completely

Post by anarky »

They don't mention Rotta the Hutt in ANY pre-existing EU, either. You'd think Jabba's heir would've been his son, not his father. Or his son might've had it in for Han Solo.

Anakin making multiple trips back to Tatooine strikes me as a major, major issue in characterization, though.
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Re: How I realized I was over Star Wars completely

Post by Senor JabbaJohnL »

I knew Rotta was created for this, I guess I should've said "Jar Jar and Kit Fisto weren't in the OT or any other EU." But what's wrong with having new characters? I read somewhere that Jabba said he had no children (which is why Zorba was his heir, or whatever), but something could have happened to Rotta between the Clone Wars and ROTJ.

What's wrong with Anakin going to Tatooine, though?
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