Winter Classic - Sabres vs. Penguins

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Internet TV

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I found this on a hockey website I go to. It is some program you can download that has a bunch of tv feeds. There are sports, movies, and regular tv stations. I've watched a couple NHL games.
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Post by John Madden »

Any good clips of myself talking about Brett Favre, the greatest man to have ever lived? He is a work of art on the gridiron. Too bad I never had a chance to coach him.
He got hit by a truck out there
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Post by Ran »

Sorry, John. There aren't any video clips. Only actual television feeds.

I forgot to test it out this past Sunday to see if I could get a different NFL game than what was being shown in my area.
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Winter Classic - Sabres vs. Penguins

Post by Ran »

Those of you that are hockey fans better be watching this. Typical January day in Buffalo - 30 degrees and snowing. 70,000+ seats sold out in about 45 minutes.

Man, do I miss the Sabres using those original uniforms. I wish they would get rid of the slug and go bact to the old logo.

Interesting tidbit during the first intermission: Bob Costas used to be the announcer for the Syracuse Blazers. There was a player on the Blazers who inspired the character Ogie Oglethorp from the movie Slapshot. Apparently the guy almost beat the piss out of Costas on the tour bus at one point.

As part of the hype, the NHL Network aired the Heritage Classic from a few years ago. It wasn't on down here, so I watched it for the first time.

Oh, and the "yo momma" commercial for the Amp drink with the goalies was awesome.
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Re: Winter Classic - Sabres vs. Penguins

Post by jjreason »

I saw the last half of the OT and the shootout - I was flipping between that and Michigan beating Florida (!!!!) in the Capital One bowl. It was great with the snow coming down - and gimme a break, who could be happier with the eventual outcome than the NHL? Are you kidding me? I did want Buffalo to win, but that was AWESOME for the NHL. :beard:
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Re: Winter Classic - Sabres vs. Penguins

Post by Ran »

They way the NHL is pushing Sid the Kid, they couldn't have scripted a better ending.
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Re: Winter Classic - Sabres vs. Penguins

Post by Diabolical »

Awesome fucking game.
They really should do this every year...and actually promote it.
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Re: Winter Classic - Sabres vs. Penguins

Post by Ran »

Supposedly it is being discussed.
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Re: Winter Classic - Sabres vs. Penguins

Post by jjreason »

I would strongly suggest this will go every year. They had it well planned out with a million contingencies for he weather interrupting, there's no reason why they can't take a run at one of these every year. There was an excellent article about it on the TSN website - check it out:
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Re: Winter Classic - Sabres vs. Penguins

Post by Diabolical »

The only bad things about the game were:

The date/time - right in the middle of Bowl season and against the Capital One Bowl (this year featuring Michigan - A.K.A. Canada Jr.)? What the hell was the NHL smoking? That is no way to get decent ratings. New Years Day is a good idea on paper, but there are far too many Bowl games going on in this College Football obsessed nation. Plus, it should have been on in Primetime, but that could be tough playing outdoors.

Promotion - I heard next to nothing about the game, except the announcement, until a day or two before. Spread the word - make this an EVENT.
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Re: Winter Classic - Sabres vs. Penguins

Post by Ran »

When they planned it, I think they figured they would be going up against the crappy bowl games that no one cares about. But this isn't the first time they blew some scheduling. Last year's All-Star game was held in the middle of the week. They should have had it on the weekend. That weekend, there was no football and not much basketball to compete with.

I saw the promotions for this game, but that was probably because I'm a Sabres fan, spend a lot of time on hockey websites, and watch a lot of the NHL Network.
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Re: Winter Classic - Sabres vs. Penguins

Post by Diabolical »

But the All-Star game is useless pointless and boring.

I watch the Red Wings quite a bit on Fox Sports Detroit and I think I saw it mentioned a small handful of times. Yeah, it was a Fox network, but it is still a big NHL event.
I also watch quite a bit of NHL on VS. and it was the same story as FSD.
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Re: Winter Classic - Sabres vs. Penguins

Post by Ran »

Thought you'd might find this funny:
- January 26-27: NHL All-Star Weekend, Atlanta. I've not been much of a fan of the NHL's All-Star game as I believe it's become irrelevant. For those of you keen to watch the league's best players sleep-walk through a meaningless game of pick-up hockey, enjoy! I'll be keeping a close eye on the rumour mill for that's a period when all the league's GMs are congregated together and it's when many deals leading up to the NHL trade deadline originate.

I still think this is better than the other sports all-star games, especially football, but that's not saying much. The ads for the NHL all-star game tell you to vote often for the starters. It was funny(and annoying) last year because Rory Fitzpatrick almost made it as a write-in. But how can anyone take this system seriously? At least they ditched the North America vs. the World format.
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Re: Winter Classic - Sabres vs. Penguins

Post by Diabolical »

I really wish the All-Star game wasn't a popularity contest and actually meant something (like in MLB).
The Skills Competition is the only part worth watching.
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Re: Winter Classic - Sabres vs. Penguins

Post by Antropov »

Diabolical wrote:I really wish the All-Star game wasn't a popularity contest and actually meant something (like in MLB).
Baseball's ASG is a popularity contest that means something. Isn't that worse? Worse yet its held mid-season, rewarding only those people who have a good first-half. I think that's about the most retarded thing possible.

I'm happy with the current NHL All-Star system. It seems to be the one thing Bettman hasn't fucked up (yet). I think it needs to find an identity, though. Is it East vs. West? N. America vs. the World? Shirts vs. Skins? Make up your mind, folks.

I watched about 75% of the Winter Classic and was thoroughly impressed. I like that they chose two relatively traditional hockey teams to play in it and that one of those teams has a guy named Sidney Crosby, who is pretty much hockey Jesus. WHEN hockey regains a major American following, it will be because of him. o yes.

I hope they make this an annual event as well. Blackhawks @ Soldier Field, Bruins @ Foxboro, Leafs @ Skydome, etc. One piece I read today mentioned the Red Wings at Ford Field. WTF?! What a pointless money-grab that would be. "Hey, let's play an indoor game two blocks away from Joe Louis Arena and see if we can sell 80,000 tickets. Who's with me?!" I think much of the allure and marketing behind this game wasn't the crowd size but the fact that but the fact that it was played OUT-FUCKING-DOORS you idiots.
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