Search found 4945 matches
- Thu Jan 02, 2025 2:40 pm
- Forum: comic books
- Topic: So what the hell else happened to me?
- Replies: 121
- Views: 37709
Re: So what the hell else happened to me?
They are relaunching Amazing Spider-Man again in April. This will be the seventh relaunch. The original in ‘63. The second (unheard of at the time) in ‘99. Which eventually reverted to the original numbering. Then again in ‘14. The fourth in ‘15. The fifth in ‘18. And the current series started in ‘...
- Wed Jan 01, 2025 2:27 pm
- Forum: movies
- Topic: What have you watched lately?
- Replies: 1639
- Views: 326927
Re: What have you watched lately?
Gladiator 2. There wasn’t anything bad about it. Performances were decent. Action scenes were epic and bloody. But the entire thing was utterly forgettable. None of the characters were fleshed out enough to care about them. None of the villains were vile enough to despise.
Just rewatch the first one.
Just rewatch the first one.
- Wed Jan 01, 2025 1:04 pm
- Forum: comic books
- Topic: The Sorting. The Fucking Sorting.
- Replies: 243
- Views: 61799
Re: The Sorting. The Fucking Sorting.
All New X Men started in Jan of ‘13 Uncanny started April ‘13. And the XX-(wo)Men started July ‘13. Amazing X-Men came out in ‘14. I think the Blue and Gold books came after that, but that was after Secret Wars, so those would be in the newer boxes upstairs. I’ll probably finish everything this week...
- Wed Jan 01, 2025 2:44 am
- Forum: comic books
- Topic: The Sorting. The Fucking Sorting.
- Replies: 243
- Views: 61799
Re: The Sorting. The Fucking Sorting.
I am missing the second to last issue of the 2010 X-Men series. It ran for 41 issues. I have 39, then 41. I looked up my list on cbrealm to see where the missing issue might be, and I don’t have it checked. Well, damn. Also, smaller X-Men ongoings that popped up while I was sorting. There was a seco...
- Tue Dec 31, 2024 2:15 am
- Forum: comic books
- Topic: So, What comics did you buy this week?
- Replies: 3378
- Views: 563877
Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?
Here’s the 26th’s books. Absolute Wonder Woman 3. After describing in terrible detail the creature that is attacking the city, Diana calmly explains to the citizens over TV that she has to temporarily deafen everyone and not to panic. Of the three new Absolute books, I think I’m enjoying this one th...
- Mon Dec 30, 2024 6:51 am
- Forum: comic books
- Topic: The Sorting. The Fucking Sorting.
- Replies: 243
- Views: 61799
Re: The Sorting. The Fucking Sorting.
I’m in the homestretch! Just started the X-Men. There’s about 8-10 boxes left to sort. I am wondering where I should put X-Men Classics. It was an ongoing series that ran from 1986 to 1995. If I’m doing ongoing series in chronological order, it would go after the original Uncanny run, but before the...
Re: Football
- Sun Dec 29, 2024 4:32 pm
- Forum: dare to be stupid
- Topic: Celebrity Death Pool!
- Replies: 1521
- Views: 295531
Re: Celebrity Death Pool!
Jimmy Carter. 100.
Wherever he is, DoubleG gets a point.
Wherever he is, DoubleG gets a point.
- Sun Dec 29, 2024 3:40 pm
- Forum: movies
- Topic: How I realized I was over Star Wars completely
- Replies: 2094
- Views: 380669
Re: How I realized I was over Star Wars completely
I watched 15 minutes of Skeleton Crew and was so bored/distracted I stopped with the intent of watching it later. But I still haven’t.
And that opening scene with the pirates seemed incredibly underlit. I wasn’t sure what I was watching.
And that opening scene with the pirates seemed incredibly underlit. I wasn’t sure what I was watching.
- Sun Dec 29, 2024 3:36 pm
- Forum: dare to be stupid
- Topic: Celebrity Death Pool!
- Replies: 1521
- Views: 295531
- Sat Dec 28, 2024 12:57 pm
- Forum: comic books
- Topic: So, What comics did you buy this week?
- Replies: 3378
- Views: 563877
Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?
I’m a week behind on reading because of Holiday stuff. But I am still reading. Here’s from the 18th. Absolute Batman 3. Batman and Alfred escape from the cops in Batman’s giant Bat-dumptruck equipped with a jet engine so it can outrun all the cop cars and physics at the same time. It’s also waterpro...
- Sat Dec 28, 2024 11:55 am
- Forum: comic books
- Topic: Big score........
- Replies: 447
- Views: 110312
Re: Big score........
I have to go back & start Fables again because it has been too long. I have it in trade format but I'm not even sure how many volumes I have vs how many there are. >< I read 10 thru 30-something a lonnnng time ago, and loved it. I’ve been filling out the entire run ever since then with the inte...
Re: Football
I was gonna watch the Seahawks/Bears game when I got off work last night. Then I saw the score and figured why bother. Then I thought, I could just watch the first half and I’ve basically watched the game. I didn’t do that either. If I had bought a ticket to that game, I’d’ve demanded the NFL issue ...
- Thu Dec 26, 2024 11:02 pm
- Forum: comic books
- Topic: Big score........
- Replies: 447
- Views: 110312
Re: Big score........
Not a big score. Before I knew about the going out of business sale last weekend, I was on ebay looking at Fables issues. I found a guy selling Fables 100(a $10 book) for $2. I looked thru the rest of his items and found ten more issues for between $1 and $2 or a tad higher. I got Batman/Deathblow 2...
- Thu Dec 26, 2024 9:19 pm
- Forum: general discussion
- Topic: Merry Christmas, you bunch of god damned jerks.
- Replies: 18
- Views: 3963
Re: Merry Christmas, you bunch of god damned jerks.
Most people wouldn’t be brave enough to post pics of their dildo.
Kudos to you sir.
Sorry you got the COVID.
Kudos to you sir.
Sorry you got the COVID.