Search found 4945 matches
Re: Football
The best narratives to win the Superbowl for the eight remaining teams, from worst to best. 8. Philidelphia. Nobody wants to see Philly in the Superbowl, let alone win it, except people from Philly. And not even all of them. 7. Baltimore. The Ravens are like the Eagles, except in the AFC. In fact, i...
- Mon Jan 13, 2025 10:23 am
- Forum: tv shows
- Topic: Netflix Original Series
- Replies: 86
- Views: 22392
Re: Netflix Original Series
The Gentlemen . Crime drama about drug cartels in England, apparently a spinoff from the movie of the same name that I haven't seen but now plan to. Very well done, though Giancarlo Esposito plays an American meth kingpin who's so similar to Gus Fring that I expected him to be operating out of a fr...
- Sun Jan 12, 2025 8:41 pm
- Forum: movies
- Topic: How I realized I was over Star Wars completely
- Replies: 2094
- Views: 380670
Re: How I realized I was over Star Wars completely
Rewatching Andor.
That is all.
That is all.
- Sun Jan 12, 2025 8:31 am
- Forum: comic books
- Topic: So, What comics did you buy this week?
- Replies: 3378
- Views: 563882
Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?
This week’s books. Absolute Batman 4. We get a bunch of flashbacks that show how Bruce refined and evolved his Batman costume. Bruce visits Joe Chill in prison. Amazing Spidey 65. Aquaman 1. All In. New series. Batman & Robin 17. Batman:Dark Patterns 2. New Champions 1. Daredevil:Unleash Hell 1....
- Sun Jan 12, 2025 3:47 am
- Forum: movies
- Topic: X-Men, X-Men Origins, Wolverine, etc.
- Replies: 248
- Views: 76617
Re: X-Men, X-Men Origins, Wolverine, etc.
I was joking about the Dazzler thing. That’s why it wasn’t ‘spoiled’/redacted in my post like the others. I threw it in because the entire internet was theorizing and fancasting her leading up to the film.
- Tue Jan 07, 2025 6:49 pm
- Forum: dare to be stupid
- Topic: Celebrity Death Pool!
- Replies: 1521
- Views: 295532
Re: Celebrity Death Pool!
Peter Yarrow, of Peter,Paul, and Mary. 86. Fuck cancer.
- Mon Jan 06, 2025 2:59 pm
- Forum: comedy
- Topic: Bo Burnham
- Replies: 0
- Views: 581
Bo Burnham
Bo Burnham got his start on youtube when he was a teenager. Then he got a some Comedy Central gigs. I’ve never watched any of his early stuff. The first time I saw his routine was when he had a couple comedy specials on Netflix. He was unusual. It took me a second viewing before I really appreciated...
- Mon Jan 06, 2025 1:40 pm
- Forum: comic books
- Topic: So, What comics did you buy this week?
- Replies: 3378
- Views: 563882
Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?
I started reading the books I got at the store closing sale a couple weekends ago, so I can file them away properly and not be even more perpetually behind. Some of it, like some Batman minis, Birds of Prey and the Flash are before the point where I’m doing my reverse catch up reading, so I just put...
Re: Football
First off, the Bucs’ completely unnecessary pass play so Mike Evans could get his 1000 yards made me smile.


- Sat Jan 04, 2025 7:56 pm
- Forum: comic books
- Topic: So what the hell else happened to me?
- Replies: 121
- Views: 37711
Re: So what the hell else happened to me?
As always, no matter how remote my influence is on a major cross-over event, something DRASTICALLY alters my life. So let's make a list of all the ways my life has gone down the tubes since Action On-Line tried to take over Mary Jane gains super-powers, only to reveal self to be a clon...
- Sat Jan 04, 2025 6:53 pm
- Forum: comic books
- Topic: So what the hell else happened to me?
- Replies: 121
- Views: 37711
Re: So what the hell else happened to me?
They teased that the villain for the new ASM series is a classic villain who hasn’t been seen for seven years. Curious, I went back and looked at who the villains Spidey was fighting in 2017 were. In the main Amazing book, there was the big Clone Conspiracy crossover. The Jackal has shown up since t...
- Sat Jan 04, 2025 3:03 pm
- Forum: comic books
- Topic: So, What comics did you buy this week?
- Replies: 3378
- Views: 563882
Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?
A relatively small week(for me anyway). Absolute Superman 3. Mostly a flashback to Krypton where Kal’s parents are prepping a spaceship to leave Krypton with all their family, friends, and neighbors. Because the dickwads in charge are in denial. The present day Earth stuff has been pretty dull, but ...
- Sat Jan 04, 2025 2:24 am
- Forum: movies
- Topic: What have you watched lately?
- Replies: 1639
- Views: 326928
Re: What have you watched lately?
I bought My Cousin Vinny on Blu-ray last year. I watch it often.
- Fri Jan 03, 2025 2:13 pm
- Forum: comic books
- Topic: The Sorting. The Fucking Sorting.
- Replies: 243
- Views: 61799
Re: The Sorting. The Fucking Sorting.
Finished the X-books. The final ongoings were a short Wolverine and the X-Men series, the second run. And an even shorter Spider-Man and the X-Men series, which was only six issues, but still technically an ongoing. Then I did the ‘other’ ongoings; - Classic X-Men - X-Men Universe. This was an early...
- Thu Jan 02, 2025 10:18 pm
- Forum: general discussion
- Topic: Niiiiiiiiice
- Replies: 8
- Views: 589
Re: Niiiiiiiiice
Did you try Malibu?
Orrrr….moooore Malibu?
Orrrr….moooore Malibu?