Search found 4945 matches
- Sat Jan 25, 2025 12:02 pm
- Forum: movies
- Topic: Cross your fingers, Rollo
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1956
Re: Cross your fingers, Rollo
Based on the reference to a poorly received animated film, I’m pretty sure this was Chronicles of Prydian. Sort of related, but I’ve been wanting some live action Xanth movies forever as well. Except the last time they adapted one of my favorite books from my youth, we got Ender’s Game and I’m still...
- Sat Jan 25, 2025 1:57 am
- Forum: movies
- Topic: The Official "Recommend Shitty Movies for JJL" Thread!
- Replies: 28
- Views: 8268
Re: The Official "Recommend Shitty Movies for JJL" Thread!
The Manhattan Project. A high school student breaks into a nuclear research facility with nothing but a frisbee and some Pert Plus shampoo. He steals some plutonium, builds a bomb, and takes it to the science fair. Then, instead of throwing his ass in prison for the rest of time, they tousle his hai...
- Sat Jan 25, 2025 1:47 am
- Forum: movies
- Topic: Cross your fingers, Rollo
- Replies: 5
- Views: 1956
Re: Cross your fingers, Rollo
I guess this isn’t happening?
- Tue Jan 21, 2025 3:27 am
- Forum: general discussion
- Topic: Attention vynsaniacs
- Replies: 2
- Views: 226
Re: Attention vynsaniacs
*an extra 25% A lot of Marvel’s and DC’s comics are produced in Ontario. That’ll conservatively add like $80 onto my addiction hobby every month. That’s almost an additional grand a year. And I’m a die hard collector. Casual collectors will just buy fewer books, or stop altogether. Which will cause ...
- Mon Jan 20, 2025 11:48 am
- Forum: comic books
- Topic: So, What comics did you buy this week?
- Replies: 3378
- Views: 563868
Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?
Some more stuff from the store closing sale last month. Alan Scott:Green Lantern 1, 2, 4-6. Almost the entire miniseries. An expanded and revised retelling of his origin, adding in his secret homosexuality in the 1930s, and a secret lover who turned out to be a Soviet double agent who got a Red Lant...
- Mon Jan 20, 2025 12:50 am
- Forum: movies
- Topic: The Greatest Adventure of all time...
- Replies: 173
- Views: 53390
Re: The Greatest Adventure of all time...
I haven’t watched Dial of Destiny since it came out. Haven’t really had the desire to rewatch it. But I noticed it’s not on D+ which I thought was weird. Anyway, I’m rewatching Raiders for like the 200th time and there’s a scene in Cairo where Belloq is talking to Indy in the cantina. He’s talking a...
Re: Football
My options for who to root for in the SB are dwindling. Whichever teams plays/loses to the Chiefs. If anyone farts in the general direction of Patrick Mahomes, the NFL’s designated walking logo, it is an automatic 15 yard penalty + an free extra down for the Chiefs + the Chiefs get an automatic ext...
Re: Football
My options for who to root for in the SB are dwindling.
- Sun Jan 19, 2025 6:15 pm
- Forum: dare to be stupid
- Topic: Celebrity Death Pool!
- Replies: 1521
- Views: 295520
Re: Celebrity Death Pool!
I didn’t realize the president can reverse a law passed by congress and upheld by the supreme court just by scribbling shit down on some TP in the bathroom and then scrawling his signature on it. I don’t care one way or the other about TikTok. But what’s the fucking point of the Constitution anymore?
- Sun Jan 19, 2025 12:11 am
- Forum: comic books
- Topic: So, What comics did you buy this week?
- Replies: 3378
- Views: 563868
Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?
This week’s books. Amazing Spidey 65.Deaths. This is different from the regular issue 65 that came out last week. Avengers Assemble 5. Batman & Robin Year One 4. GIJoe 3. Clutch is undercover in Cobra HQ and gets a message to the Joes that Cobra is going to abduct a Dr. Monev, who is testifying ...
Re: Football
Go Bills.
Go Bills.
- Sat Jan 18, 2025 1:54 pm
- Forum: movies
- Topic: What have you watched lately?
- Replies: 1639
- Views: 326921
Re: What have you watched lately?
Whiteout. I started watching this not knowing a single thing about it, apart from the name of the movie. After it was over, I checked and saw it was based on a Greg Rucka comic. But the premise is ‘serial killer in the coldest place on Earth; the Antarctic research station at the south pole’. Which ...
- Thu Jan 16, 2025 10:19 pm
- Forum: movies
- Topic: X-Men, X-Men Origins, Wolverine, etc.
- Replies: 248
- Views: 76614
Re: X-Men, X-Men Origins, Wolverine, etc.
I would never had made the connection that Nicepool was supposed to be that guy. He, in essence, defamed himself when he brought it to everyone’s attention. Therefore he should also sue himself for an additional *snicker* $400 Million.
- Thu Jan 16, 2025 12:17 pm
- Forum: dare to be stupid
- Topic: Celebrity Death Pool!
- Replies: 1521
- Views: 295520
Re: Celebrity Death Pool!
Mr. Baseball Bob Uecker. Announcer for the Brewers since before I was even alive. 90. Small cell lung cancer.
I remember him from his appearances on Johnny Carson from when I was little. He might be the person I most associate with the game.
I remember him from his appearances on Johnny Carson from when I was little. He might be the person I most associate with the game.
- Wed Jan 15, 2025 2:40 am
- Forum: comic books
- Topic: So, What comics did you buy this week?
- Replies: 3378
- Views: 563868
Re: So, What comics did you buy this week?
Here’s some more reading from the store closing a few weeks ago. Specifically, mostly Green Lantern books. Green Lantern 3, 4. From the ‘22 series. The Oan Power Battery has been destroyed and the only Lanterns left with working rings are Jo Mullein(from Far Sector) and the teen Lantern Keli, who co...